Tuesday 20 April 2010

For those of you that don't know me.

My idea of flirting is either a raise of an eyebrow, or if I'm feeling friendly, a grunty 'Hello'. Anything beyond that is a dead-cert to get on the sex offenders register nowadays. I'm joking of course.
But being totally serious its impossible for me to get to the stage where I can confidently 'flirt' or tell the girl I like them. I can talk to them, make friends with them, help them out, meet up with them, but at the very hint of them (I can count how many times this has happened on one hand), grabbing my hand or leaning onto me, or resting their head on my shoulders, I'd be more likely hit them and run off like you do to girls in Primary School than make similar signals towards them. Its like having Flirt Blindness or Aspergers of the Sexy Kind.
Whether I'm not I'm stupid for being in the mindset of waiting till a girl asks me out is unknown, and would probably want some advice from those reading, I'm being totally serious. That's how crap at this dating lark I am. I'm not too sure how I got with my last (and only) girlfriend, I think it was just a case of waiting for so long, we both probably realised I ain't going to make the move so just made a mutual agreement to go out with one another. That is till she did the dirty on me with a cabaret singer who sings in hotels whilst I was in hospital abroad with sunstroke. You can't write this stuff.
There's a couple of girls who I like. And that's as much as I'm going to expand on that. They might come up to me and I might shit my pants in fear and run off.

Love and awkward silences.



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