Wednesday 18 August 2010

Well we've been here before haven't we.

Whattup you uggers.
I'm applying through clearing again, the last chance saloon for the mistreated and lazy. Got 8 unis lined up, including Edge Hill, which I shall ring first to see what they can offer me. Then the other 7 after that, to see if they want me. Whilst having zero to none qualifications except for brilliant (well, good enough) GCSEs and a scraped-through English A-Level.
The only reason i got into Edge Hill was because of my awesome phone manner, I'm blowing my trumpet I know, fuck it I'm blowing the whole god damn orchestra, but its definitely true. I have the gift of the gab which I got from my grandad and has seemed to skip a whole generation in my Nan and Grandads kids. Namely my Mum, aunties, uncles and whoever else I may or may not know about.

University is extremely hard. We work 11 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 2 weeks a year.

I'm honestly going to cry for hours on end if I don't get into a university full time this year. I just don't think I could take it at all. I'm worried whats going to happen to me. Seriously worried. 'm trying to take my mind off it, but I can't do anything but sit down and contemplate because of my dodgy ankle. In normal situations like this, I'd go out, play a sport, go to the shops, piss about with mates on hours on end. Its incredible the damage of having zero mobility can do to you.
Two of my uncles have gone to university. One became a secondary school teacher in Moss Side, Manchester. The other uncle quit university in the second year. He now works in a school. I'd be happy with that. I'd love to work in a school. But call it extraordinarily big headed of me, a hunch, or an explosion of my already large ego, but I've always thought I could make it big in whatever I'd do. I don't know whether other people feel this, but I know I'll do very well. I just want the second chance to try and use a university to make it to the big time.

You know you've put on weight when the only way you can eat Pringles is tipping them out of the tube.

I'm off, I need more DRUGS

Love and cocodamol



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