Thursday 19 August 2010

Ramblings of a madman, persuasiveness of a cougar

Here is my facebook status from 8am this morning, and the comments that follow;

Joshua-Charles Battlecat Cannings The timetable for my ringing today is ManMet, LJMU, Salford, Cumbria, Edge Hill, Liverpool Hope, UCLan and Lancaster. Opening times are a bitch. My hearts going mental. I DO NOT DO NERVOUS.

>>>Joshua-Charles Battlecat Cannings I got a callback from Cumbria - Will find out later if I'm offered a place

>>>Joshua-Charles Battlecat Cannings Callback from UCLan

>>>Joshua-Charles Battlecat Cannings ‎"We apologise for the delay, please hold, and we will be with you shortly"


>>>Joshua-Charles Battlecat Cannings Really big important callback from LJMU later on.

>>>Joshua-Charles Battlecat CanningsKnockback from ManMet. No courses available on Salford and Lancaster. Down to 5. Receiving callbacks from 4, can't get through to Liverpool Hope.

>>>Joshua-Charles Battlecat CanningsI doth venture south.

>>>Joshua-Charles Battlecat Cannings I NO LONGER CARE THAT IM TALKING TO MYSELF

>>>Joshua-Charles Battlecat Cannings the welsh are funny

I go mental when I'm stressed, it's just like when I used to play rugby, rugby stressed me, I don't like dirt, and having to touch everything equal amounts on each hand on that kind of sport is hard. I had to run up to random players and discreetly touch their head or shirt just so my mind would shut the fuck up. Gave a good impression to the opposition though, people though I'd actually lost my mind. Loved it.
I dont get stressed or nervous often, I'd say once a month or something, but when I do, it just tumbles out of me like a wet fart.
I've been accepted on a Cumbria University course and a Nottingham Uni course as well. I'm thinking of going for the Cumbria course, because its the course I wanted to do and its in Lancaster, a town I really really love. I'm getting upset writing this though, my dear arsehole readers, I'm possibly going to be saying goodbye to a load of mates I love a lot, and housemates I love even more. I don't know how I'm going to tell, them. They won't be that bothered I'm sure but I will be, they've kept me sane through the nervous and stressful times, and insane during the quiet times. Just how I like it.

Love and hard goodbyes



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