Wednesday 12 May 2010


I miss the stupidness and eccentricity of my youth. Spending tens of pounds on water balloons and going absolutely stir fry fucking crazy with them and my best mates from back home. We used to do this every year, I remember us doing this 2 years ago when I was 17, too old to be running away from sopping wet adults after Gregs just overarmed bowled a balloon smack-bang into a pensioners temple.
Its only since coming to Uni I've suddenly thought,

Im not a kid anymore.

And whilst this doesn't stop me from doing or acting any less childish, the voice in the back of my mind wearing a tweed jacket and reading the Daily Mail in an armchair is shouting to me "Oh for Gods Sakes Josh, why don't you just GROW UP" I, of course, ignore this twat in the bck in my mind and follow the twat that is myself and carry on regardless, but its there, and its hellishly annoying. I want someone to do it with as well, I mean of course, I have my fantastic housemates with whom I've been blessed with and my friends back home who keep me on the ground and tell me when I'm acting a knobhead and when I'm acting their type of knobhead, I'd just like a girl to do this with. One of my best mates from Fleetwood, Greg, who reads this every so often, has found a girl who appears to take him for what he his, which his an utter disgrace, but she seems the kind of girl Greg can be an utter disgrace with, not in that way, but, you know... What I'm trying to say is, they both know no morals. I just hope I find my hell-woman soon as well.
I do think I've been pushing myself trying to find a girlfriend, I think, and embarassingly so, I've only just realised I need to calm the fuck down and see where the wind takes me. Hopefully away from any psychopaths and fat chicks.

I don't follow tradition. And neither did my father, or his father before him.

The BNP have lost a couple of seats in this years election. I just hope this isn't the Rosa Parks thing all over again.

My doctor was telling me, my depression could be caused by having a small penis.
I couldn't grasp it.

Love and two in one day



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