Wednesday 12 May 2010

The Battlecat strikes again....

Mr. Jobless is employed. I'd never thought I'd see the day. The people who I went for an interview for in Preston have employed me and I'm now employed by the Department of Work and Pensions with a full time flexible hours job which fits round my University lectures and needs fantastically. Its a dream come true. The starting salary is £13,500. which roughly works out at £250 a week. Minus, say, £150 for rent and living, and thats £100 to save, for whatever. I'm shocked and I cannot wait.
My Mums said that I'll be starting work in no sooner than 5 weeks, which means 5 more weeks of trawling through unemployment and having a lot of free time and boom, they're we go.
One thought though....

The World Cup starts in a months time....

I've started my £5 challenge, which involves me living off nothing but £5 for one whole week. The first day went, with me buying:

- 60p loaf
- 99p waffles
- £1 bag of chips
- 50p Limeade
- 50p 5 10p sweet bars
- 40p spice mix

I have eaten the sweets which were meant to last me the week and drank the Limeade which was meant to keep my sugar drink fix at bay for the week. This is not going to work. Its the 2nd day and I'm thinking about giving up. BUT I SHALL PREVAIL. If not for me, but for others.

No 5 WORD NEWS REPORTS today as most involve politicians and other unfunny stories.

Love and respeeeeeeect brrap



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