Tuesday 11 May 2010

Jump on, the bandwagons lovely

I wouldn't say I'm a man who revels in another mis-fortune, but I sure as hell know when there's humour to be made in ironic situations. I haven't heard so many people go from loving to hating someone as much as Nick Clegg since David Beckham at the '98 World Cup. To my, what could be called, jaded eyes, there seems to be two groups of people regarding this subject, people who are taking this far too seriously, and people who are making light of what can only be described as a difficult time for the UK, and laughing at the absurdity of it all.
You my dear readers can have five fucking guesses which group I'm camped out in.

(Daniel Arnold says hello, we just watched the Carlsberg England Team Talk advert, best ad in years)

Only a short blog today, I'm hungry, I may do another later if I can be arsed, with jokes and all, aren't I lovely.

Love and a long red



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